As we continue our jorney towards the new normal we are keen to keep up the good practice started through the Grove home learning portal.

This site pulls together access to all MS Teams for pupils and contains up-to-date information for parents and carers wishing to support learning at home.

Further information can also be found here. We will also be positng regular updates on twitter @grove_academy. Don’t worry if you don’t use twitter, our twitter feed can be viewed on this page too. 

MS Teams for students

If your child has forgotten their Glow password please email or if your child not sure how to use Teams this Microsoft EDU Guide to using Teams should help.

We are also aware some families are experiencing technical issues accessing the online resources required to complete school work. To try and help remedy some of these issues we have launched our own Grove Technical Help.


Having problems accessing Glow teams?

Dundee City Council have produced a very helpful guide covering a range of common access problems for Glow teams. This can be viewed using the following link DCC Online Learning Hub – Got a Problem.

Remote learning via PlayStation or Xbox One

Did you know teams can be accessed through an Xbox or PlayStation? Use the following link to get more information

Links to online classes

The links below provide access to class materials. These links, contained within specific departments pages, are for pupil use only. Each class has been set-up to only provide access to the pupils who would normally be in the room. Therefore, parents and carers will not be granted direct access in to any pupil team. As the teams are online we must comply with GDPR and Child Protection regulations. More importantly online teams must be treated like physical classrooms to ensure we provide a safe and secure environment for learning.  

Extra Curricular